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32 Tradeshow Tips | Distributor & Supplier Guide

The ultimate guide to conquering tradeshow season

12/28/2022 | Taylor Borst , Taylor's Take

We know full well that in this industry, the trade show game is happening all year round. However, for many, the first few months of the new year can be overwhelmingly jam-packed with them. Whether you are a distributor or supplier, this is your ultimate guide to killing it this trade show season: 

Tips for Distributors:

  • Download the event app (if available) – This will often allow you to view the schedule easily and often get a sneak peek at the exhibitors so you can begin to map out your walking plan.

  • Reach out to exhibitors ahead of time – This strengthens your relationships and gives you the opportunity to discuss anything needed ahead of time. 

  • Document products that catch your eye – Find a process that works for you. You can easily create photo albums within your iPhone photos to separate by customer or exhibitor. One of my favorite sneaky tricks I use is taking the photo within Snapchat, so that I can write notes on top of the image and save it down. I never use the app to send it… just document. Of course, you can always kick it old school and carry around a branded journal and pen. 

  • Come with projects and customers in mind - Before you step foot on the floor, be sure you have a good understanding of project, specs, customer pricing, and other important expectations. “Specificity is key,” shared Mel Bettua, Director of Sales at supplier, HPG. “If someone were to ask you why you are there, you should be able to articulate what that means for you and your business. Too often I hear, ‘just seeing what’s new’ and as a supplier and influencer, that can be challenging without having a filter to dial down. Attendees who provide an ask, such as ‘what’s innovative and useful for a healthcare organization with nurses who work 14-hour shifts?’ will yield an entirely different set of results and ideas.” 

  • Be realistic with your time management – Give yourself enough time to get to your next engagement. If you feel like you’re overbooked, you probably are. It’s better to say “no: up front than to blow off a meeting onsite. 

  • Go light on the samples – This will not only wear you out physically, but mentally as well. At the end of the event, it will almost be impossible to remember which supplier provided that item anyway. Observe product ideas and patterns so that you can elevate your approach. You can always request a catalog, sample or additional resources in your post-show follow ups. 

  • Attend onsite education – Take advantage of the (often free) education available at most large tradeshows. This is a great opportunity to sharpen your skills, network and find inspiration. 

  • Thank exhibitors for attending – Just like you, these partners have dedicated their time, efforts, and budget to be with you and provide support. 

Tips for Suppliers:

Because I’ve never been on the supplier side of our business, I pulled in some experts to share their tips! Interestingly, many of these contributors shared similar messages: stay hydrated, healthy, and organized.  


Mel Bettua, Director of Sales for HPG 

  • Put some ‘prep in your step! – Scheduling booth visits is beneficial for both exhibitors and attendees. Attendees can plan their route accordingly with scheduled time slots, avoid detours and remain productive. 

  • You cannot possibly learn it all, do it all, see it all – Tradeshows are meant to incite creativity and bring awareness to new products and trends as much as they are about reuniting for a full send in the months ahead. 

  • Keep your calendar handy and use this time to schedule follow-ups on the spot – and not wait until after the show when everyone is digging through notes and business cards.

  • Compartmentalize – Keep your notes in buckets or OneNote files to easily separate different types of ideas you collect on your journey. 


Terrin Conway, National Account Manager for Sock101: 

  • Make a list of things that absolutely need to get done during exhibit days – This will help ensure you're not missing anything.

  • Try not to stress – don’t worry too much about day-to day tasks. Everyone in the industry knows this is a crazy month.

  • Have fun! – Everyone is excited to be out and at shows, so we might as well have a great time!

Ashley Colautti, Strategic Account Manager for Spector & Co.

  • Immunity prep – Leading up to the event, take lots of vitamin C and immunity-boosting vitamins. I have a jar of immunity gummies and Emergen-C drink packets that stay in my suitcase for travel.

  • Avoid overconsumption – I try to stick to a limit of 2 drinks a night and switch to club soda (I break the rule occasionally). We all stay up past our bedtimes at these events, so I like to give myself an hour in the morning to just chill and take my time getting ready, no screens!

  • Reserve early – I usually reserve restaurants 2 months before so I have a variety of options. You can always cancel but you can’t always find good spots if you wait too long.


Katie Kailik, National Account Manager for Peerless Umbrella 

  • Create a shared schedule – You and your colleagues can populate with set appointments prior to the show. This makes traffic management in the booth more efficient because you know who is truly “available” to meet with drop-ins throughout the day.

  • Establish a buddy system - When setting appointments in the booth, identify a specific colleague as your appointment buddy. They can help take over a spontaneous conversation that runs into your appointment time. This way no one feels slighted that you have to run over to your appointment, and the momentum of the conversation is interrupted less. Overall, it creates a more harmonious booth experience for everyone involved.

  • Follow up - This is the most underperformed tradeshow task, and it is arguably the most important. 

    • Keep a journal with notes as you meet with different reps/groups and if you can, staple their business cards to the discussion notes. Regularly take pictures of each page so that if your journal gets misplaced, you haven’t lost your valuable notes.

    • Use Snapchat to take a picture of a badge and add notes as text to the image. I got this tip from Mike Williams at AZX a couple of years ago! Just remember to hit save!

  • Keep plenty of snacks and water at the booth.

  • Prepare a baseline speech - For general discussions, have a short list of products that are essential for distributors to experience in-person. This may be products with a special feature or a material that cannot be adequately explained visually.

Alyssa Inkrott, National Sales Executive for Raining Rose: 

  • Stay active – this can be tough while on the road and constantly being on the go, but sometimes getting up a little earlier to get some exercise in helps so much with those back-to-back trips.

  • Take time for yourself and to rest when you’re home – This is something that took me a long time to understand, but it has made tradeshow season so much less stressful. As a supplier, we are on the road constantly and giving yourself some time to relax is so important- allow yourself to recover from the chaos.

Bonus tips 

  • Stay hydrated

  • Wear comfortable shoes (switch them up each day) 

  • Post about your event experience on social media – this is your chance to share ideas, connections and involvement. 

  • Keep an organized calendar (and if you’re traveling far, consider time zone changes when planning) 

  • Always follow up post-event

  • Bring business cards and/or add people on LinkedIn and Instagram in real time as you meet them.

  • Attend as many networking events as possible. You get out of events what you put into them! 

I’m so grateful that we’re at a point where tradeshows are in full force again. The energy, inspiration, and connection that in-person events provide is vital to starting the year off right and keeping the momentum up. Here’s to making the most impact in 2023!

Taylor Borst is Sr. Director of Marketing & Vendor Relations for American Solutions for Business. Joining the print and promo industry in 2015, she specializes in social media, promotional products, and supplier relations. Taylor is currently a Sous Chef with PromoKitchen, board member for UMAPP, on the PSDA Emerging Leaders Committee and is an advocate for education and youth involvement in the industry. Connect with her on Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn.
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